NFT Assembler is made to run on your browser on your computer. None of your images will ever be uploaded to our server.
This Product is in Beta
Folder structure example
    Hott Butts Club
    • Butt Type
      • Human
        • SkinTone1.png
        • SkinTone2.png
      • Zombie.png
      • Ape.png
    • Background
      • Sky.png
      • Rainbow.png
      • Space.png
    • config.json
      Those files are generated by this app.


In order to use this assembler properly, you must have your traits organized in the proper folder structure on your device.
  1. Create a folder for your project.
  2. Create a subfolder for each trait category and name it exactly as you want your category displayed.
  3. Add trait images to their respective folders and name them exactly as you want your traits names displayed.
  4. Use Save Config Button to create config.json
    Stores all the configuration and allow/ban lists as well as last generated metadata
    and and place it in your project folder.
  • All images must be .png .gif or .jpg
  • Capitalization matters for naming your folders/categories and images/traits.
  • Do not name any of your traits or categories
    • generated
    • None
Scan with WalletConnect to connect